
JUMCO is pleased to introduce four training programs that are authored and presented by experts in uranium mining studies. Each program covers the practical and theoretical part in one of the following fields:

  • Uranium Exploration Program
  • Uranium Extraction Program
  • Chemical and Physical Analyses Program
  • Environmental Protection Program

Our training audience are chemists, physicists, geologists and engineers who recently started working in uranium industry and planning to improve their skills.
The uranium exploration program is designed to assist workers (mainly geologists) to understand uranium exploration methods and techniques. The following topics are covered in the exploration program: GIS training, geological mapping, radiometric mapping, exploration planning, field data acquisition, survey methods and data digitalizing.

 The uranium extraction program is designed to assist chemical engineers to understand uranium extraction methods and techniques. The following topics are covered in the extraction program: scaling up in industry, sample preparation, dynamic leaching, heap leaching, separation via ion exchange and precipitation.

The chemical and physical analyses program is designed to assist workers (mainly chemists, physicists and chemical engineers) to understand how the ore samples are being prepared and analyzed

The following topics are covered in the chemical and physical analyses program: physical sample preparation, mass spectrometry, optical spectroscopy, liquid chromatography, carbonate analysis, wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence, gamma assay and quality management. The environmental protection training program is designed to assist engineers to make decisions related to environmental protection.

The following topics are covered in the environmental protection training program: air pollution, water management, soil pollution, radiation pollution, solid waste management, hazardous waste management, environmental impact assessment, environmental radiation studies and assay.